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what John’s been up to

Wow. It’s been over two months since I wrote a blog post—how neglectful!

Well, my excuse is that April and May, even when they aren’t compromised by a sudden relocation to another part of the country, are really crunch-time for CFA Candidates preparing for their exams. That’s the Chartered Financial Analyst program, for those those unfamiliar with the lingo, and it’s a pretty big credential in the financial world. It’s earned by a series of passing three annual exams, which cover everything from how to detect when companies are stretching the truth on their balance sheets to how to value collateralized debt obligations. Basically, everything which would have been helpful to know in the past few years! I believe it will continue to be helpful to know.

But anyway, I sat for the Level 2 CFA exam last weekend, as I did last June.  Last summer I realized how freakishly difficult the second exam is after narrowly failing it, so this year I ratcheted up the intensity and I have a better feeling about it, although I won’t know until sometime this August.

On the subject of financial stuff, I’m loving the new job. My boss, David Blain, is a CFA charterholder himself, and has encouraged me in my pursuit of mine. I’m also pretty thrilled to find another man who loves to push Microsoft Excel to its limits, and I get the sense he’s happy to have another advisor with the intellectual capacity to bounce ideas off of. We’re also growing in terms of new clients, which keeps the work fresh and interesting. The other staff in our office, Mary Ellen and Jeb, handle administrative and marketing matters.

Some of you who know me might find it ironic that I now wear a suit to work every day. David’s a West Point graduate and former special-ops, and the degree of fashion formality sort of fits the James Bond shtick. Though it isn’t exactly my preference, the suit-wearing isn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. It’s getting pretty hot in New Bern, but unlike Orlando, I understand the heat only lasts a few months. Abby has pushed Microsoft Excel to a different sort of limit by identifying every combination of suit, shirt, and tie in my wardrobe that work well together.

The day before my exam, we actually closed on our house in Fox Glen (the original house of Gjertsen!) so we’re officially non-homeowners now. It is a tremendous relief to have sold a house in Orlando in these extreme market conditions. Unfortunately, we haven’t found nearly the degree of desperation and devaluation in the New Bern market while looking for a new home.

So our two biggest pursuits now are finding a home and finding a church home. Each probably deserves their own post.

Right now Abby’s parents are actually visiting us, and we’re going out tonight for our first date night in… hm… maybe three months? Tomorrow will be our 12th anniversary. The downtown movie theater is showing To Catch A Thief—movie + popcorn + drink for $5. And fitting with the jewelry heist theme, I managed to find a diamond necklace and earring set for pretty much a steal on eBay.

Grace Kelly has nothing on Abby Gjertsen.

14 thoughts on “what John’s been up to”

  1. long time reader, first time commenter. the last line here got me a little misty eyed. i get married in 2 weeks, and i hope 12 years from now we have the strength and depth of bond you have. congratulations!!!

    1. Aw, thanks! We give God the glory for redeeming two sinners and preserving the bond of our marriage. And you did actually comment back on V-Day (we have to approve first time commenters so I knew you were no stranger to the House of Gjertsen). Congratulations on your wedding!

      1. haha, did i refer to myself as a first-time commenter then, too? all these months i thought i was still a secret lurker 🙂

  2. I am so glad to hear things are going well for yall. Congrats on 12yrs of marriage, thats wonderful. I am just starting to plan my wedding (its June 25, 2011- so I have some time ahead of me, lol) but seeing/reading about people who have been together 10, 20, 30, 40, 50+ yrs makes my heart happy esp. since divorce is so rancid today.

    How is that precious boy of yours?


  3. Happy Anniversary! We are so excited to hear that everything is going well with your new job, John!

    Praise God! 🙂

    We love you guys,
    The Laus

  4. Josh and I just cracked up when we read about your clothes spreadsheets! Haha Abby, you’re so efficient! Christina’s right, that’s why we love you two. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your date night and enjoy not paying the $30 it would cost down here for a movie+snacks! Happy Anniversary!!

  5. Awesume to hear about the job finally! been wondering how that was going.

    I hope you can find a place there that is not subjected to the “must have flowers in your beds” gestapo.

    I was saddened to here they made your neighbor take down the tree house. Kids + trees = perfect excuse to buy lumber!

    Peace be the journey


  6. Happy Anniversary from one 06-12-98 couple to another! God has deeply blessed your family, and I pray that he continues to do so.

    Jason and I actually spent our anniversary apart since our women’s group at church had a weekend retreat. It seemed more important for me and my mother to attend this retreat as this was the first of my brother’s birthdays (June 12th) that he isn’t here with us anymore — mom and I needed to be surrounded with arms of love and support. But I know Josh was having a party in heaven with the coolest people we could think of!

  7. You are a hard man to find Johnny!

    Got on the site as soon as I read Abby’s “New Arrivals” posting in the most recent Owlmanac. I’ve spent the last 30 minutes admiring your little Valor.

    Happy Anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been 12 years. I still remember our drive from Dallas to Tallahasee.

    I’d love to catch up with you in the near future. My family and I are currently living in Nashville, TN. Mi casa es su casa.

    Will Rice ’96

  8. The spreadsheet is an excellent idea!! I’m starting a new job at a CPA firm in the next 3 weeks, and my current job has had me in T-shirts and jeans for the past 2 yrs. I’m kind of giddy about getting to ‘dress up’ again, and a spreadsheet would probably help a lot, LOL!!

    Congrats on y’all’s anniversary, too 😀 I second what scccook said, too; I almost cried at that!

  9. WHAT?!?!?!? No Pics of Valor!?!?!?!?

    Fine…Congratulations on your anniversary! My dearest and I celebrate our 13th in 2 weeks. I always tell him it feels like it’s been 13 minutes!

    Under water!!! lol. Kidding. He’s a gem. I am a VERY Blessed girl.

    Congratulations again! Pics of the little man please!


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